23rd Feb
Written 23rd Feb
From Working on my client project I have come to realise that every member of a film crew from the draughtsman to the runner is a crucial job. Having had planned my film shoot nearly completely unaided it is a son of a bitch. It is now Saturday and both my actors for the main roles have decided to fuck off at the last minute so now I need to find new ones by the time I come to shoot on Wednesday afternoon.
Okay done having a rant
Clint Eastwood not just for his acting but his recent direction on letters from Iowa Jima, I have not yet seen the other flag of our fathers but I hear it as good. The story is very clear therefore it is easy to be absorbed by all the emotions of the scene and characters, the film has been edited into a kind of dulled or bleached monotone but still has its colours a technique much like what Riddle Scott uses.
I also like the fact that he has made two movies about exactly the same story but from two subjective points of view and unlike other war time movies he has not spared anything, it almost seems real the actual event the horrors of war.
So far so good now on my sixth artefact wooooooooo nearly at the end haha.
Artefact 5 Evaluation
Does Human Emotion alter a person’s perception? Well of course that is the only way in which we can define our opinions and likes and dislikes but I wanted to see if a panel who have been listening to music that they might not listen to, or like. By changing the music to people’s specific likes other may have an extreme dislike to some of the tracks.
I was hoping for a large change in results even with a majority of my panel consists of trained listeners.
The change was the largest I have seen so far through the artefacts; although some results were close to the results from the control test it was quiet obvious that peoples likes and dislike did alter perception even when asked to answer questions on specific elements of a track their emotions get in the way.
I also decided to put all the test subjects in the same test instead of splitting them up, this gave them the chance to chat between themselves and the results show there were some significantly samey results whether coping or the fact that they just agreed together about the specific attribute score. I will again be splitting the group up fo rhte sixth and final artefact.
The next artefact will be using the original music but I am going to completely change every thing from the room size, shape, speakers used, amplifier and also the medium that it is played from to see if I can get some extreme changes. I predict that if the test group can identify small changes when room or speaker placement is changed they will also be able to see the changes in the sixth artefact I hope the results reflect the amount of changes.