Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Intellectual Property Journal Entrie

1) Case Study for a Motor Company Releasing a DVD?

Well Firstly we need to decided were this material will be viewed, firstly im sure it will be involved in the public domain, Firstly we would need the client to decide which countries this DVD would be going to therefore to look at the different laws governing these courtiers to make sure that we could distribute with trouble from governments and religious reason, (basically don’t want to have to go to court) also what ever they use on this DVD needs to be either original work or if someone else’s you must receive permission by the author; then the author would have to assign their rights to the company and the DVD.

As this is a promotional DVD on a new model of a car most of the content will be factual therefore it will fall under the fair use act. (I only use most in the previous sentence as most company want to sell their product so in most situations white lies are told to be successful.

Another point to take into consideration is a contract with the client as if we have assigned all rights to the client they will have no problem in reproducing, modifying or/and distributing the product.

The Child Competition would not be a good idea due to the amount of issues that would be involved I will not go into them because I see no use it would just not be an issue that the client could push. However the use of website links from the DVD would be much easier to combined as long as you got the permission for the designer or the company that own such site.

2) Start a business/company in the multimedia sector of the work force. What are the main issues have to look at?

Well to begin a company is no simply task; I would need some money so either a nice bank account from previous work etc or maybe as going into multimedia would have sponsors. However this would not help a business unless you have something to sell a product a mentality to make it work. Advertisement of ones-self and the company, making connections inside and outside of the field which we are within. To approach each job in a way that others may not. To sell at a better price than the competition however to still make a profit. At the end of the day you have to be a wanker you cant care what you have to do is just do the best no matter if you turn the competitions nose up even if friends; it’s a job and you need it, unfortunately it’s a dog eat dog world out their and this world revolves around MONEY which is sad but never mind.

Key Skills are also needed like being able to communicate, to lead a team , to no what you want.
