Monday, January 28, 2008

General Update

Written 22nd Jan

RSP Artefacts

Well am about to participate in my first but have realised that the time I have is going to be to short for all my test subjects so I will have to double up the test to two ppl per test. And reduce the time to listen to the tracks down to 2mins per amplifier.


The Mastered Track is altering every so often so it will not be really complete and left alone until I have to hand it in. But I will take in copies for others practioners to listen to and my tutor.

Written 24th Jan

Artefact No. One

I have completed my first artefact and the evaluation can be seen below:-

The first point to make is that it would seem that time is going to be a limit factor to the listening tests. I had to doubling up the amount of subjects in each test to accommodate all subjects. This may have swayed some of the results as communication with others can alter ones perceptions; however if I continue to have the same people together for the following artefacts this will at least keep it a constant and therefore controlled. Apart from this fact their were no other points that need to be addressed it would seem on the whole all subjects understood the instructions and were happy with the use of technical language.

This artefacts was a control test to get an idea of how each subject reacted to the space and music, with no outside interference although the occasional door could be heard shutting.

Looking at the results it could be said that this has been achieved; the mean data from each track are quiet tightly grouped with only several abnormalities.

When looking at the results the anomalies are interesting there is a certain amount were the anomalous result come from either none musicians or those who don’t generally listen to music. It would also seem that a persons likes and dislikes to a very slightly effect alter the way in which one scores each track; with this in mind I will have to test a different selection of song on the subjects for a following artefact to see if emotion is a key in swaying a persons perception of quality.

With the Control test done I can now move on and begin to alter the environment and amplifier etc to see if this alters the results.

The next artefact I will change the environment, add some additional surfaces, and change their seating position in correlation to the speakers. This should break up the sound and effect what the subjects hear, we will see if this alters their perception of the audio played.