Another Week
Written 29th Jan
After Talking over current practioners that I aspire to my tutor wanted to no why I saw less skill or why people make hip hop or rap video’s in a different way than rock. By watching the following video’s as an example you will see that its more advertising based, money it would seem is not made by the emotions but by selling sex amongst other things.
Written 31st Jan
Eval For Artefact 2
To begin with I got more test subjects this week manly trained subjects; which should bring a higher understanding of what’s going on in general, but also they way in which they answer the questionnaire altered. Some asked questions during the test about how they should answer the questionnaire whether they were marking the actual recording rather than just the audio they were hearing.
When looking at the results, there are not that many discrepancies. Although the clear comparison in cost and component quality between the amplifiers. However when asked, which amplifier people preferred the decision were very varied most people preferred the Marantz amplifier. When I listened to the two amplifiers the Marantz does have warmth to it as if someone had pressed the loudness button to boost both high and low frequencies. For the next artefact I will again be using the Naim as it has a clearer without any EQ. The next artefact will be altering the space with objects to break up the surfaces and sound waves this will lessen the rooms acoustic but may alter the sound to the listener’s ear it shall be interesting to see if any of my test subjects can hear a difference.